On-Demand Webinar

Patient Privacy First

Safeguarding ePHI in Our Mobile Healthcare Future

Digital trends are swiftly shifting to a mobile-first approach. Healthcare organizations and their IT leaders need to understand the impact this paradigm shift will have on the industry moving forward as well as how to operate securely while preserving patient privacy and user privacy. 

Hear from Hypori's Jim Cushman and SoftServe's Robert Mickens as they delve into the critical aspects of accessing and safeguarding electronic protected health information (ePHI) from any mobile device.

Submit this form to watch this on-demand webinar:

88% of healthcare organizations experienced an average of 40 attacks in the past 12 months.

Source: AtlasVPN

The average total cost of a cyber-attack was nearly $5 million, a 13% increase from the previous year, leading to strained patient care and increased costs.

Source: Ponemon Institute

45% of cyberattacks resulted in adverse impact on patients, including 54% reporting the inability to provide patient services, 48% led to theft of patient records, and 26% resulted in inappropriate therapy/ treatment delivered to the patient according to The Insecurity of Connected Devices in Healthcare 2022 report.

Source: Cynerio & Ponemon Institute

Don’t be a statistic!
Stay informed & take proactive steps in securing the future of healthcare data.

Meet the Speakers

  • Jim Cushman

    Hypori Chief Product Officer

  • Robert Mickens

    SoftServe Strategic Account Director, Healthcare Technology

  • Rob Malnati

    Hypori Head of Partners & Alliances LinkedIn

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