Wright-Patterson AFB Tech Expo: DAF-approved access with total privacy
Hypori is exhibiting at NCSI's Wright-Patterson AFB Tech Expo to show Airmen and Guardians why the DAF chose Hypori as the enterprise solution to work securely from their own device. With a Hypori Virtual Device, enterprise data remains secure while the DOD holds no liability for the user's personal device and U.S. Air Force and Space Force personnel are guaranteed user privacy with 100% separation of corporate & personal data.
Find Kelsey Kellas, Wardeness of the DOD and Air Force and Navy Account Executive, or Chris Twigg, Senior Solutions Architect, in the Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center to learn more about why Hypori is the BYOD solution for the DOD.
Hope Hotel & Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center
Building #823, Area A
10823 Chidlaw Rd A
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433